I read this wonderful article yesterday that was circulating on Facebook.  An article talking about a culture that a workplace can create for working parents.

After I was done reading it, I forwarded it to my boss and then realized it isn’t just about working parents.  It is about people who have a life, any life outside of their organization.

I have worked for my current organization for a little over a year and a half now.  I didn’t know when I started just how much of a blessing this career change would be for me.  I am incredibly lucky to work for an organization who values family.  Not just children, but spouses, parents, etc.

We are able to have flexibility with our schedule.  I am able to work from home one day a week on average, and when I work from home I can start my day earlier so that I can pick my kids up from school.  I work from home the same day most weeks, because then it is easiest for me to get my daughter to her after school activities.

When crazy things come up like a child getting sick (or even a parent/spouse) we are fortunate enough to have laptops, so we can work on the go.  Same with if something goes wrong in the house, furnace goes out, cable guy needs to come over but only within a window that most people would be sitting at the office; then take your work home for the day.

I am able to work longer hours a couple of days a week so that I am available to pick my kids up from school on Friday.  I love being able to do that, something that so many working parents miss out on.  My typical scheduled allows me to be home early enough to make a homemade meal for my family on most days, help my children with their homework and spend quality time with them and my husband before bed time.

I hope that if you work for an organization like this, you appreciate it and understand how truly lucky we are to have a job in the United States that values this as their culture.  Places like this do exist and I am fortunate enough to have stumbled upon one!

Here is the article that sparked this post






23 responses to “A Working Parent”

  1. Deborah the Closet Monster Avatar
    Deborah the Closet Monster

    The job I began last month is just such an organization, and I am so, so very grateful.

    In one of my last interviews, the interviewer said, “Family comes first!” She paused and corrected herself. “You come first. Everyone wins when your life is in balance.”

    Um, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Making someone afraid they’ll lose their job when sick days or other emergencies come up creates stress that drags job performance right down. Without that worry, with the comfort of stability, safety, and trust, so much more is possible.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Tikeetha T Avatar
    Tikeetha T

    My job offers a flexible work arrangement but my supervisor doesn’t allow it. This creates an environment that is counterproductive to the organization’s culture and will probably be one of the reasons that I will leave. Flexibility is key to employees in overall benefits.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      That makes me sad that your supervisor doesn’t buy into the organization’s culture! Should be a reason that they leave, not you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. charliew82 Avatar

    I am also very lucky to work at a school where the Headteacher understands that family must come first.

    It really makes a difference to your work/life balance! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. creativerational Avatar

    Just curious… Because I am wondering about the dynamic… What does your husband do, so that some of this flexibility also benefits you, as a person?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      I’m sorry, I don’t really understand the question.


    2. makingtimeforme Avatar

      I have been thinking about your question all morning. And whereas I ask certain that you didn’t mean anything by it. It felt condescending. “What does your husband do, so that some of this flexibility also benefits you? ”
      The whole blog is how I feel this flexibility is benefiting me as a person.
      I am a control freak, so being able to take care of my children for the few days they are at my house and not my exes is huge to me. Being able to stay home with sick kids, because let’s face it when kids are sick they want their mama, is also amazing. I take my daughter to dance class and choir practice on Wednesdays while my husband stays home with our two other children. My husband supports me in everything that I do, including being a crazy person and allows me to take care of everything because having things in a particular way is the key to me staying sane in our crazy life.


      1. creativerational Avatar

        Sorry it didn’t mean to be condescending at all. I just wanted to understand your balance. I don’t know you from Adam, I am new to reading your blog, I loved the post. It did say a lot about things you do for others, I wondered if you also got some reciprocity. Asking that isn’t condescending, it is a bit challenging. I know for myself and some of my girlfriends, we live our lives bending backwards for others. And that it sometimes needs an intervention- our partners also want to do the same for us sometimes. Or want us to help ourselves not just our family. I only recently really accepted that my husband does virtually nothing for our life. Sure he will cook one day or another. Weekends he makes coffee. But in terms of partnership, I have the lead heavy yoke. I work more, it’s complex, it’s very rewarding monetarily. I do most of the housework, I do the shopping, and balancing of the household bills. He also is cheating on me like crazy. I have a broken pair of sunglasses which do more for me right now, I can’t condescend because I am nothing to model after. I guess I’m asking so I know how people balance that ‘want to take care of it all’ with the ‘I matter and I will also make me a priority, in part because it means I have to lean on my partner and they need that too.’ Currently I do not waiver on things I have decided are mine, but my reasons are completely different than wanting his partnership. I will not waiver from my gym dates with a friend, 3-4 times a week. If the dishes don’t get done the night I go to barre class, because when I come home he still hasn’t touched them… Then that’s just what happens. I hope that you are giving yourself some of this time and f flexibility which you have worked hard to get from your job, because you sound like a stellar woman who deserves it. I have found that many partners want their partners to share in the benefits of these things, they want to be needed. your man sounds like an amazing dude so I did assume that sometimes he hands you your purse and says ‘go out for a few hours and I’ll handle homework duty’ . Or that he’s there too most nights. I’m sorry if that was assumptive. But condescending? Well I assure you I have a life in ruins so there’s none of that here.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. makingtimeforme Avatar

        I’m very sorry. My husband is amazing and supportive. I do go to the gym, I go to my church group, I hang out with my friends while he watches all of our children. I’m sorry that your husband isn’t more supportive of you. You sure deserve it. In my last marriage I wasnt supported the way I felt that I deserved. Thank you for your detailed, well meaning comment. Thank you for clarifying and I’m sorry.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. creativerational Avatar

        Not even a thought on that, I know exactly why you felt challenged, it’s on me not you. And my marriage being a bonfire is going to be the best thing that ever happened to me, I’ve decided. I will make my life amazing or burn the barn down trying. Also- apparently my ‘f’ disappears from tons of words through autocorrect on WordPress right now so I’m sorry for all the typos!


      4. makingtimeforme Avatar

        Good luck my friend. My ex cheating on me ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn’t trade my life now for anything.


      5. creativerational Avatar

        Was it you who commented on my new post today? I had someone new post a comment and instead of approving it I accidentally f lagged it as spam and deleted it… The buttons are beside each other I feel like such a tool.

        Liked by 1 person

      6. makingtimeforme Avatar

        Lol, yes it was me


      7. creativerational Avatar

        So sorry


      8. makingtimeforme Avatar

        It is fine, no worries


  5. Julie S. Avatar
    Julie S.

    Having that kind of flexibility is what makes a great employer, and a happy employee 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      Yes ma’am. Absolutely. I put more work into this job because of the flexibility that they offer to me!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Bread Avatar

    You are very lucky. There aren’t enough organisations to take any kind of family into account.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      That is so true and in the U.S. I feel like it is very few and far between.


  7. Double the Monkey Business Avatar
    Double the Monkey Business

    I went back to work in the summer and I have been so lucky. I get to pick my kids up each day and I go in early so I have Fridays off with them. They have been so good when the kids are sick and I can work from home too, benefits of being a writer I suppose, you can do it any time, any where. When I was in my old job there was no such flexibility and I am not sure how I would have managed. I thank my lucky stars every day! x #momsterslink x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar


      Liked by 1 person

  8. DomesticatedMomster Avatar

    I am hoping to get my photography and design business going so that I too can have a schedule that still allows me to be there for my kids when needed. My hubby makes enough money to support our family but having extra would be nice and I always made my own money so I love being able to do that again. Kudos to you for appreciating what you have. Thanks so much for linking up with #momsterslink.

    Liked by 1 person

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