Transformation Tuesday: After 2 weeks

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Well, the scale didn’t go down this week.  That being said, I had a sneaking suspicion that it wouldn’t.

  1. I am in that very fun time of month for women 😉  You know what I am talking about!
  2. I was on vacation for over the weekend and I drank and ate what I wanted to.

The good news is that even though it didn’t go down, I didn’t go back up over where I started either!

The other good news is I LOST 2 more inches.  1 of those in my waist where I was noticing the extra weight sitting the most.  Hence the mostly elastic banded wardrobe for the last few months.  LOL.


I have been sticking to my diet, other than Saturday and Sunday while on vacation.  I have been eating a lot of protein and vegetables. I even bought this crazy organic pea protein powder from Trader Joes to add to my smoothies.

I took two days off from intentionally exercising. However, I ran around and swam around the pool so I know that I still got some steps in.

I am feeling amazing. I am getting up at 4:15am or so every morning to work out. Even on my late nights where I work until 8:30, I am still feeling energized. Don’t get me wrong, I am certainly ready to go to bed by 9:30, but that just gives me enough sleep to start my day at 4:30 again. I have been sleeping so well.  Feeding/Fueling/Exercising my body in the right way has really given my body a noticeable recharge.

Yesterday my husband took a smoothie on his drive to work for the first time. I made him one this morning too. He is fighting a cold, so maybe just maybe the greens and fruit nutrients will help him.

All in all, I think this transformation is still going very well. I am feeling good and see no signs of stopping.  In fact, my daily gym routine has now in fact become so much of a habit again, I don’t even have to set my alarm.  I am now naturally waking by 4:20am!!

8 responses to “Transformation Tuesday: After 2 weeks”

  1. bethanyk Avatar

    How awesome. 2 inches holy cow!!! That’s huge!!! I would NOT mind 2 inches gone!!! I gained 40 lbs in the last year. After thanksgiving I cut all sugar and lost over 10 lbs. JUST CUTTING OUT SUGAR. But let me tell you. I still crave it sooo bad!!!! I could so eat a cupcake and want one!!!! We eat organic anyway. I like Trader Joe’s. we put spirullina in our smoothie with spinach/banana/pear/raspberries/blueberries//coconut milk/flax/ and whey protein. I figure even if I’m not losing the lbs still I am putting good things in my body!!! Keep up the good work!!! I know it’s hard. I had a huge salad last night with chicken and after went pft. Really??? Can i get a meal now!!!! My body has to get used to it. So proud of your achievement and setting goals!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      Awww…thank you so much

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Tikeetha T Avatar
    Tikeetha T

    Yay! Congratulations.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      Thank you so much!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. thirteenpoint1milestofit Avatar

    Congratulations! Losing 2 inches is a big deal! The hard work is paying off and the fact that your internal clock knows that it’s almost gym every morning is good too. My body has already adjusted to the workout routine too. I’ve honestly missed this feeling.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      Thank you! Good for you.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. laurelwolfelives Avatar

    My sister was always doing Weighwatchers. Every time, she was successful and would then hit a plateau. They told her to eat something she shouldn’t to “kick start her metabolism again.”
    Congratulations on your venture. I am on a venture as well. I have actually been able to gain 5 pounds. Yay you and Yay me. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. makingtimeforme Avatar

      You you and yah me!!!

      Liked by 2 people

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